Support for Academies

As an Academy you will be faced with numerous financial and compliance matters. These include :-

  • assessing and managing risk by maintaining a system of prudent and effective internal controls (including preparation of a statement on the academy's risk management for its annual report and accounts)
  • considering how to monitor and check the operation of the financial management arrangements that have been established
  • establishing systems of control to ensure that stocks, stores and other assets are recorded and adequately safeguarded against loss or theft

We can provide you with support by :-

  • establishing financial regulations
  • documenting and producing key financial policies and procedures / finance manual
  • advising on risk management and internal controls
  • assisting with the production of a risk register
  • providing you with independent assurance that
    • the financial responsibilities of the Governing Body are being properly discharged
    • resources are managed in an efficient, economical and effective manner
    • sound systems of internal financial control are being maintained and
  • providing training and guidance to governors about their roles and responsibilities as company directors and charity trustees
  • auditing your annual accounts / voluntary funds
  • compiling an asset register / inventory
  • carrying out a physical count against the asset register on an annual basis

For a personalised quotation please don't hesitate to contact us.


Our Financial Services

Audit of School Accounts (school fund, before and after school clubs, PTA)
Inventory/Asset Register Compilation
Support for Academies
Internal Audit and Risk Management
Financial Management Support and Advice
Documenting and Producing Key Financial Policies and Procedures
Governing Body Clerking Service